Local businesses, Royds Withy King, The Royal Crescent Hotel and Actual Experience have signed up to take of the national 2.6 Challenge in aid of Julian House, happening on Sunday 26th April.
The national charity challenge, organised by mass-participation event organisers including London Marathon Events and Parkrun, will see thousands taking part across the country and raising money for their charity of choice. Participants are encouraged to come up with an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise or donate to help save the UK’s charities on or from the 26th April.
The challenge, which hopes to raise millions for charities nationwide, has been devised in response to the thousands of fundraising events that have been cancelled due to Covid-19. As a result of the pandemic, The National Council for Voluntary Organisations CEO Karl Wilding estimates that the UK charity sector will lose £4 billion in income.
The situation for Julian House is no different. Jessica Gay, Senior Community and Events Fundraiser said: “Due to the Coronavirus, the cancellation/postponement of our fundraising events and the closure of all our charity shops and bike shops, we’ve predicted an income loss of £200,000. This is vital income needed to fund our life saving services including our hostel and domestic abuse refuge. Demand for our services is incredibly high, and we need to keep them open to support vulnerable men and women and save lives.”
“We thrilled that Ryods Withy King, Royal Crescent Hotel and Actual Experience have all signed up to support us, and hope that many other local businesses and individuals, young and older, will do the same.”