This winter we are working in partnership with Libraries Unlimited in Devon, Ikea and Willmott Dixon to help the most vulnerable community in the coldest months and throughout the year.
The Donate a Coat Campaign will help vulnerable individuals to find a warm coat in any of the Devon locations listed here without any cost. The partnership is calling all the community to donate their unwanted coats and help them to support the most vulnerable people in our region. Ikea and Willmott Dixon will be sponsoring the rails for the libraries and will join Julian House and the libraries in a series of events and activities for the community throughout the year.
Senior Community and Events Fundraiser, Daffne Zamudio said: “We are grateful with the community for supporting this campaign, your donations will keep warm the most vulnerable individuals in the region. As winter approaches, the coldest months are the hardest for the homeless community and others in need.”
“In the decade of action, it is important to find ways of beingmore sustainable; by re-utilising these coats we are extending the life of our clothes and at the same time helping others in need.”
The Donate a Coat Campaign fits alongside Libraries Unlimited’s core value of supporting the health and wellbeing of individuals and local communities, through providing vulnerable library users and the wider community an invaluable resource during the winter months.
Libraries Unlimited Supervisor, Eve Ashton said: “The Donate a Coat campaign by Julian House is a wonderful project, supporting several communities in several location across Devon, through library services. Many individuals benefit from the rails, being able to take warm clothes to use throughout the colder months, supporting both health and wellbeing. We feel very passionate about this cause and supporting Julian House to make a difference to those who are vulnerable within our community.”
Willmott Dixon Social Value Manager, Danielle Haskings said: “We are delighted to be able to support the Donate a Coat Campaign. As a company Willmott Dixon is committed to supporting important community initiatives such as this, and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. The Donate a Coat Campaign means that unwanted items can be donated and then reused and recycled, and will offer much-needed help this winter. Working alongside Julian House, Libraries Unlimited and IKEA on this campaign means that we can reach as many people as possible.”
Ikea is also a devoted supporter of local and wider initiatives in the South West, one of their values is caring for people and the planet.
If you would like to find out more about this campaign and the libraries involved in the scheme, please click here or contact daffne.zamudio@julianhouse.org.uk