
How can I help a rough sleeper?

If you see a homeless person in your area and are wondering what you can do to help, there are a number of things you can do.

  • You can report the details via Streetlink. This will alert us and we can send an outreach worker to engage with them.
  • You can contact your local council or look on their website for SWEP (severe weather emergency provision) details. You can then talk to the rough sleeper about this information so they have a choice.
  • You can ask the rough sleeper what they need in terms of bedding/clothes/hot drinks.

If you want to know how you can help in general you might like to think about the following;

  • Volunteering at one of our many projects, there is always lots going on including; catering at the emergency hostel, volunteering in our charity shops or bike workshops, helping at fundraising events or ad-hoc admin support. There are also mentoring and befriending opportunities. Find which opportunities are available here.
  • Alternatively, you might like to join us at one of our fundraising events that do a great deal to raise our profile, as well as much needed funds.
  • You may like to make a one off or regular donation so that Julian House can support more homeless and vulnerable people.
  • Follow us on TwitterFacebook or Instagram. Like and share our posts so that we can raise more awareness.