

We’ve developed some free teaching resources designed to encourage pupils to think about homelessness in a different way, in a bid to better understand it. Designed to complement the current KS2 curriculum, our packs contain various lesson plans (including English, Maths and Art) and fundraising tips and ideas that you can do with your school or class. Each plan contains easy to follow directions, activities, Powerpoints and multimedia.

Who is the pack for?

Our packs are aimed at teachers and contain learning activities that can help children in primary and secondary schools (from 7 years old upwards) make sense of homelessness.

What does the teaching pack contain?

  • Whole School Assembly  – with Powerpoint, script and activity.
  • Various Lesson Plans (including English, Maths, Art, DT, Drama, Geography and PSHE.)
  • Reading List – age appropriate fiction that explores homelessness.
Request a pack here
    You may select more than one.
*Please re-open this section once you submit the form to check it has been received*

Invite a speaker

We are happy to attend assemblies at schools which are in the areas where we deliver services. These include Basingstoke, West and North Wilts, Bath, Bristol, Somerset, Devon & Dorset. We will adapt the assemblies so that they are age appropriate.

You can request a member of the Julian House team to come in and talk at your school assembly or with your class here.

Join us on World Homeless Day

Join us on 10th October to take a stand against homelessness. We’re asking schools to commit a day to learning about homelessness, through our education packs, and help raise money for Julian House. This could be through a mufti day, wear a bobble hat day, cake sale or even a teacher vs pupil quiz. Help us raise awareness and support the many vulnerable men, women and children in our care.

Schools that support Julian House

Schools across BANES, Somerset, Wiltshire, Bristol and Devon have been taking a stand against homelessness by raising money for Julian House and supporting our services.

  • Marksbury Primary borrowed our smoothie bike to host their own smoothie pop-up shop in their local town.
  • St Mary’s Primary in Timsbury used our resources pack and held a pyjama mufti day.
  • Newton Abbot College hosted their own sponsored Sleep-Out on their college field.
  • Marpool Primary organised their own mufti day.

Thinking of planning an event?

We love to hear about what you have planned to support us; you can let us know here and we may be able to help you with further resources.
